Minor Project

 Minor Project

31/03/21 - 02/07/21 (Week 1 - 14)

Nyoman Anita Putri Arimbawa (0339942)


Minor Project - Hotel Boutique

Week One:

We were given the option to pick Water Rescue with the Czech Republic or Boutique hotel with four other Taylor's University groups: BIHM, BAT, BIA, and BQS. I chose the hotel project then proceed to make groups with the BDCM students. 
Our team
Fig 1. team members

Week 2
While were waiting at the other school for our concept,  Mr. Mike gave us a lecture about design and design thinking and Mr. Mike explains what it is using baby incubator replacement (Embrace)  as an example. 

Week 3
The other school has given us the final concept that was going to do, we are making a biophilic 4-star hotel with the theme of wellness and a healthy lifestyle.  proceed to think of ideas for branding, logo, and name. We also need to do research on the industry’s description of 4-star hotels. After we confirm the target market from the other schools, we need to determine three personas.

Week 4
After the Monday meeting with the other school, we got confirmation on the concept, and we can start building our persona and an online survey. we also determent our personas, identifying who is our main customer and which one that matters to us the most. Using the empathy research we need to find the characteristic of the audience
then we sent out our form and so far we get 20 responses
Google Form

                                            Fig.2 Google Form

We named our hotel The Seed

Week 5
This week we need to finish our survey analysis and complete our part in the joint presentation slides to pick a logo.

Survey Result:

Fig 3. Survey result
Survey data analytic

 Fig 4: Survey result

Week 6

This week we need to present the proposal with the rest of the school, and our part is to show our data collection, analysis, and persona that we created according to our data. We also need to give a rationale for our chosen logo.
were also making a mood board for our marketing brand identity.
 Fig 5: Final Logo
 Fig 6: mood board

Week 7

While we wait for the result of the proposal, We would need to work with the other schools to come up with our proposed hotel’s branding, art direction, marketing and give assignments to the members for their roles. 

Week 8

After knowing that we will stick to the same group, we can move on to branding and marketing. The branding starts with the logo then the art direction. We need to start deciding on the color theme, typography, and graphical element so that we can use them in our outcome.

Brand guidelines progress


Week 9

We made the customer journey map to determine what design we need to produce

Week 10
We faced a major problem this week, which is not having keyart work that matches our logo and brand identity, it's lacking the elements that we can use for our collaterals and marketing.
so we need to make that.
A few of my attempt

 Fig 6: Keyartwork attempt 1

Fig 7: Keyartwork attempt 2

Fig 8: Keyartwork attempt 3

Fig 9: Keyartwork attempt 4

We decide to go with this one because its fits our logo the most, so we need to revise it to make it a pattern for the background for the logo. as well as our key artwork

Fig 10: Our final key artwork
Fig 11: Our final key artwork with logo


Week 11

After receiving the exterior render of the hotel from BAT, I need to make an environment design for the render. First, I need to collect some images as an asset for the environment like the sky, trees, lake, and others. As for our key artwork, we tried a few designs that can be implemented on products, we tested on a few designs and found one that matched our logo, so from that key artwork, I can make the patterns, background for the logo and also icons.

Process adding environment:
Fig 12: BAT render

I added the sky and the lake and also Taylors universtity

Fig 13: Photobashing

Fig 14: Photo bashing

Coming from entertainment specialization, we use a lot of photo bashing for our project. Although with that it's still a challenge to find an image that matches the perspective with the render that was given to us, especially matching it with Taylor's uni as a background. 

Week 12

After receiving the render of the interior from BIA turns out it's not that photorealistic so Mr. Mike decided to render it for us. While waiting for that there’s still some adjustment to make for the environment on the 3D render like the colors, exposure, and shadow. Also as for the logo and pattern I made, I need to make sure to protect the logo and don't just put squares but make it as if the pattern is cut.

Fig 15; logo and bg update

Fig 16; Final of environment design

I learned while doing the environment color matching with all of the images I found. I struggle with how to place the pattern and the logo together without drowning the logo

Week 13

After receiving the render of the interior that Mr. Mike rendered for us, there's still some adjustment to make. For the rooms, some windows need the background to be added and I feel it's a bit empty so I added our logo on the television. The lobby also needs a background for the glass door. Also, the render needs some adjustment on the color, exposure, shadow, and highlight, because the render is very flat.  I also started designing the promotional poster for the hotel activity; farm lab and gym. 

Poster design:
Fig Farm lab poster first attempt

Fig 17: Gym poster first attempt

Poster mockup:
Fig 18 Gym Poster mockup

Fig Farm 19 lab Poster mockup

Photo editing of the interior render:

Fig 20 Room 1 before

Fig 21 Room 1 After

Fig 22 Room 2 before

Fig 23 Room 2 After

Fig 24 Room 3 before
Fig 25 Room 4 After

Fig 26: Room 5 before

Fig 27: Room 5 After

Fig  28: Main Lobby  before
Fig  29: Main Lobby  after

 really like photoshop and photo bash so this one is enjoyable for me to do, except for the lobby, it was a nightmare to mask because there's some furniture and decoration on top of the glass door but I did my best to make it it it seamless and photorealistic. I struggle a lot doing the poster, especially the layout.

Week 14

After receiving feedback on the poster I made Mr. Mike suggest that I find a better reference for the poster, find one that matches the purpose of the poster, then I redesign and make a few variations then consult him which one is the most effective one then I go with the one Mr. Mike picked. After the poster has been approved  I put it as a mockup on the streets. After that, I interpret the poster design into a half-fold brochure using our key artwork and pattern as a cover. Then we proceed to make the slide with the rest of the school. And we present!

Poster redesign:

Fig 30: Farm lab poster Final 

Fig 31: Gym poster Final 

Fig 34: Farm lab Mockup Final 

Fig 35: gym Mock up Final 

Fig36: Cover Page
Fig 37: Back Cover
Fig 38: Page 1
Fig 39: page 2

Fig 40: Cover Mockup

Fig 41: Page mockup

I found out that I'm using the wrong references, so making the layout for the poster was also wrong, so I learned how important it's to find references that have the same purpose as the one I'm making. I also struggle a lot while making the poster since I'm not a graphic design student. Although the poster seems like a simple task, it's really challenging, but what I learn from the typography class definitely helps. 

Final Presentation:

Branding Slide

That's the end of  minor project, overall was really challenging and time-consuming, but I'm glad I made it through 


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